Those of you using Quickbooks online may have noticed some new features that have been released over the last few months. I have to admit, there are some that I am still getting to grips with, but one worth pointing out is the new 'receipts' tab in the banking section.
This allows you to quickly snap and store receipts using the Quickbooks App on your phone, and then review and allocate these at your leisure at a later date.
You can either create a new expense for them, or add them to an already matched bank transaction.
Log into your Quickbooks App
Select the Menu - Receipt snap
Take a photo of your receipt
That's it - the photo is now added to your account.
You still need to analyse the information - so when you have more time,
Go to the 'receipts' section in the banking tab
Fill in the related information.
It will then automatically link it to any matching expenses - or ask you to create a new one.